Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
93 lines
;FAR$.ASM, support routines for use with PDS far strings
;Copyright (c) 1991 Ethan Winer
;with special thanks to Jay Munro
;StringInfo returns the length, segment, and address of a
;PDS far string, and preserves all necessary registers.
; Input:
; DS:SI = address of string descriptor
; Output:
; AX = address of string data
; DX = segment of string data
; CX = length of string
.Model Medium, Basic
Extrn StringAddress:Proc ;these are part of PDS
Extrn StringLength:Proc
Extrn StringAssign:Proc
StringInfo Proc Uses SI DI BX ES
Pushf ;we can't include Flags in Uses
Push ES ;save ES for later
Push SI ;pass incoming descriptor
Call StringAddress ;call the PDS routine
Pop ES ;retrieve ES for StringLength
Push AX ;save offset and segment
Push DX ; returned by StringAddress
Push SI ;pass incoming descriptor
Call StringLength ;get the length
Mov CX,AX ;copy the length to CX
Pop DX ;retrieve the saved Segment
Pop AX ;and address
Popf ;restore flags
Ret ;return to caller
StringInfo Endp
;MakeString creates a string descriptor for far strings
;by setting up and calling the routines that come with
;BASIC PDS. This subroutine merely consolidates the code
;that is needed to create a string. If the destination
;length is non-zero, then the assigned string is actually
;placed at the address pointed to by DS:DI.
; Input:
; DX = segment of source data
; AX = address of source data
; CX = length of source string
; DS = segment of destination
; DI = address of destination
; BX = length of destination, or zero to assign
; a variable length string
; Output:
; If BX was 0, DS:[DI] holds the string descriptor
; If non-zero, DS:[DI] is the start of the new copy
.Model Medium, BASIC
MakeString Proc Uses DS
Push DX ;push the segment of the source string
Push AX ;push the address of the source string
Push CX ;push the string length
Push DS ;push the segment of the destination string
Push DI ;push the address of the destination string
Push BX ;push the destination string length
Call StringAssign ;call BASIC to assign the string
Ret ;return to caller
MakeString Endp